Kids Track

Track Description: Pw-50 – 65’s – small Quads – beginner riders
Vehicles Allowed On Track

Dirt Bikes

These rules are for everyone’s safety.
1. All spectators must sign proper waiver prior to entering the park. All riders must register and sign proper waiver prior to entering track area and riding.
2. Only registered riders may ride. Friends and/or family members, who have not registered or paid to ride, may not ride.
3. Intentional take outs will not be tolerated.
4. There is no riding of motorcycles in the starting area. No burn-outs behind the starting line.
5. Riders must adhere to the instructions of track personnel at all times. Riders must also obey all displayed flags immediately. If you don’t know what each flags means please ask.
6. Mechanics, friends and family members may not go beyond the designated mechanics area. Children are not allowed onto track area or mechanics area at any time.
7. Use of alcohol or controlled substances is prohibited by riders.
8. Parents are required to monitor their children and teach them these rules. If you do not want the staff to correct your child breaking any rules, you must accompany your child at all times to correct your child.
9. Skyline Park & Event Center offers no insurance of any kind, If you do not have your own medical insurance, or if you feel that the track is un-safe for any reason or, if you feel uncomfortable on the track, WE SUGGEST YOU DO NOT RIDE.
10. There is a NO TOLERANCE with fighting between riders. Both riders will be ejected, and suspension could result.
11. We have a zero tolerance policy on threatening, or verbally abusing staff members, riders, or spectators. The offending person will be ejected immediately. If you have a problem with one of the track staff, please talk to the track manager.
- If you crash or stall your motorcycle, immediately push it off the track before starting.
- Lapped riders-hold your line. Do not try to move out of the way. A faster rider will get around you.
- Respect the other riders and their abilities.
- If you must cut the track, look for oncoming riders, re-enter when the lane is clear.
The Main MX track is watered and groomed for each open practice.
Main MX Track (Watered and Prepped):
Thursday 2:00 PM to Dark
Saturday 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM to Dark
In hot weather conditions watering stops ~1PM. all tracks are still available to ride. (Main MX track prep starts at 4-5 PM on Saturday for Sunday prep)
Whether you’re riding a Pit Bike, a Pee Wee, A mini, a Big bike, the following gear is required for all riders: Helmet, Goggles, Long pants, Gloves, and boots.
We suggest that you also wear a Chest Protector, Knee Pads or Knee Braces and any other kinds of protective gear.
-Snack Shack – IS OPEN!
-FREE! Parking
-Onsite RV/Trailer parking